If you got a dream, don’t sleep on it!

These are lyrics by Andy Mineo . My oldest son is a big fan, so when I found out that this year for Christmas, Andy had a Friends and Family variety show, I bought a ticket for the family.

On Christmas morning, after we opened gifts, we enjoyed a big breakfast of homemade cinnamon rolls and biscuits & gravy. During breakfast, we watched two Christmas Specials: first Hollyn’s, then Andy Mineo’s. The whole family enjoyed both.

Hollyn’s was a cozy Christmas concert right in her living room.

Andy’s was like Mr. Rogers meets Saturday Night Live. So funny, but it really impacted me.

I had never really listened to Andy Mineo’s music before, and part of his song (with Wordsplayed) Shibuya Roll Call really grabbed my attention. The chorus keeps repeating the phrase, “If you got a dream don’t sleep on it”.

It resonated so much that I wanted those words in sight as a reminder every day, so we put them on our letter board.

I’ve had a dream I’ve been sleeping on for years.

The dream has evolved over time, and it’s grown to include my daughter. I keep checking in with her to make sure we’re on the same page. I don’t want to force my dream on her, but I LOVE that she wants to be part of mine so much that it’s becoming hers too.

Our vision is to have a creative space where we teach workshops and invite women to release insecurities and inhibitions, to get into a place of flow with their creativity and their Creator. Part open studio, part focused workshops, part worship session, with coffee and courageous creativity abounding. We’ve both experienced breakthrough and healing as we use creativity as an outlet, a refuge, and a form of worship.

Our desire is to provide a safe space where permission is given to play and let our guards down without fear of judgement or “doing it wrong”. We want to inspire women to unleash their creativity, dream a little bigger, realize their worth and potential, and live the abundant lives God created them for.

I’m currently reading Bob Goff’s book Dream Big… Know What You Want, Why You Want it, and What You’re Going to Do About it. Ironically, the chapter I just read this morning is titled, “Sleepwalking.” Here’s just part of what I highlighted:

We need to wake up. This is going to take more than just smelling the coffee. It means getting out of bed, planting some coffee trees, having some patience, picking the beans, doing the roasting, and grinding them into something more useful.

Take the next step. Don’t just look awake; come alive to who God has made you to be. Practice walking around fully awake to yourself. Take notes, sing songs, laugh a lot, smell the flowers, roll on the grass, write the letter, take the class, make the call. You’re not doing this just for fun; it’s one of your first steps as you wake up to some of your slumbering ambitions.

I’m starting with where I am and what I have. I was recently asked to lead a Connect Group at my church. The parameters were pretty wide: whatever I wanted to do. It could be a weekly Bible study, a hiking group… anything to help people connect and grow.

So I decided to take the opportunity to bring women together to gather, create, and connect. I don’t have a big, dreamy barn or industrial building for a studio, but I do have our church’s multi purpose building. It’s a step. And I’d rather take little steps with what’s available than wait for the “perfect” conditions to walk in my purpose.

Do you have any dreams that feel far off? Is there anything you can do now that would be a step, even a tiny one, in that direction? Maybe God is asking you to wake up get started. If you got a dream, don’t sleep on it!


journaling for clarity


move your heart